
Showing posts from October, 2022

Gara'ad Port mega project is opened first Phase

The construction of Gara’ad Port and its 300 KM transit corridor that links the port to Central Somalia regions and Ethiopian mainland is ambitious and a bold business venture that aims to build a modern port in the coastal town of Gara’ad in the Indian Ocean. The Construction of Gara’ad port project envisages to be a marine gateway that connects Central Somali and Eastern Ethiopian business community to the rest of the world trade. The Port Construction project pioneers the participation of Somali private sector in infrastructure development projects on a Build-Operate-Transfer basis. The port has been under construction for over a year and a historic milestone was reached on 27 November 2021 when the first vessel docked on a completed section of the port. First face is completed October 22, 2022

Maxamuud Siciid Nuur oo walaac ka muujiyay Booqashada wafdiga Somaliland ee Badhan iyo Dhahar

Badhan iyo Dhahar waxay ku socdaan waddadii ay Laascaanood martay 2006/2007. Wadiiqada yar, wadiiqada wayn bay kugu riddaa. Muuse Biixi oo Badhan iyo Dhahar habeenno u howday haddii aad aragto ha qariibsan. Talo iyo Tabar midna lama hayo maanta." Sawirka Maxamed Siciid Nuur/Faysbuug Maxamuud Siciid Nuur , La-taliye-sare oo ka tirsan Madaxtooyada Dawladda Puntland , ayaa sidaas ku qoray bartiisa uu ku leeyahay faysbuuga . Tacab lagu khasaaray; Dib u habaynta ciidama Puntland. (Been iyo mala-awaalka muddo shacabka lagu maaweelinaayey) Maanta waxaa shacabka sharafta badan ee Puntland u cadaatay in dib u habayntii ciidamada Puntland ee muddada la soo waday ay ahayd mashruuc shaqsiyaad gaar ah danno ka fushadeen, taas-na waxaa daliil u ah qodobadan hoose. 1. Waxaa la sheegay in Badhan laga daahfuray xero ciidamada lagu tababaro, dhawr jeer oo hore waa laysku soo sawiray.  2. Isla xeradaas aan kor ku xusay, waxaa lagu sheegay in ciidamo tira badan lagu tababaray laguna qa...